
Entry -drain'  ;   -drain-
Part of speech noun
Explanations in English Of/by the father of [3.1]
Explanations in French De/par le père de [3.1]
1fa raha mahatsiaro ny ratsy ataon-drain-tena, na maty aza ahoako! [2.299]
2Rahalahin-drain'ialahy sy anabavin-drain' ialahy iray tam-po no ao [2.588]
Prefixed : -dray, -draiko, -drainao, -drainy, -draintsika, -drainay, -drainareo, -drain', -drain-, -draim-

Entry drain
Part of speech active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  mandany na mampiala tsikelikely
Misotro hatramin' ny farany [1.17]

Entry drain
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy  fantsona na tatatra anariana rano maloto
Zavatra mandany hery, vola, ets. tsikelikely [1.17]

Entry drain
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy  tatatra na fantsona fanamainan-tany [1.9]

Updated on 2023/02/21